

Rust does not have any notion of constructors. Instead, you just write factory functions that return an instance of the type. The factory functions can be stand-alone or associated functions of the type. In Java terms, associated functions are like having static methods on a type. Conventionally, if there is just one factory function for a struct, it's named new:

struct Rectangle {
    length: f64,
    width: f64,

impl Rectangle {
    pub fn new(length: f64, width: f64) -> Self {
        Self { length, width }

Since Rust functions (associated or otherwise) do not support overloading; the factory functions have to be named uniquely. For example, below are some examples of so-called constructors or factory functions available on String:

  • String::new: creates an empty string.
  • String::with_capacity: creates a string with an initial buffer capacity.
  • String::from_utf8: creates a string from bytes of UTF-8 encoded text.
  • String::from_utf16: creates a string from bytes of UTF-16 encoded text.

In the case of an enum type in Rust, the variants act as the constructors. See the section on enumeration types for more.

See also:

Methods (static & instance-based)

Like Java, Rust types (both enum and struct), can have static and instance-based methods. In Rust-speak, a method is always instance-based and is identified by the fact that its first parameter is named self. The self parameter has no type annotation since it's always the type to which the method belongs. A static method is called an associated function. In the example below, new is an associated function and the rest (length, width and area) are methods of the type:

struct Rectangle {
    length: f64,
    width: f64,

impl Rectangle {
    pub fn new(length: f64, width: f64) -> Self {
        Self { length, width }

    pub fn length(&self) -> f64 {

    pub fn width(&self)  -> f64 {

    pub fn area(&self)  -> f64 {
        self.length() * self.width()


In Java, it is generally good practice for fields of a type (e.g. a class) to be private. They are then protected/encapsulated by property members with accessor methods (getters and setters) to read or write to those fields. The accessor methods can contain extra logic, for example, to either validate the value when being set or compute a value when being read. Rust only has methods where a getter is named after the field (in Rust method names can share the same identifier as a field) and the setter uses a set_ prefix.

Below is an example showing how property-like accessor methods typically look for a type in Rust:

struct Rectangle {
    length: f64,
    width: f64,

impl Rectangle {
    pub fn new(length: f64, width: f64) -> Self {
        Self { length, width }

    // like property getters (each shares the same name as the field)

    pub fn length(&self) -> f64 { self.length }
    pub fn width(&self)  -> f64 { self.width }

    // like property setters

    pub fn set_length(&mut self, val: f64) { self.length = val }
    pub fn set_width(&mut self, val: f64) { self.width = val }

    // like computed properties

    pub fn area(&self)  -> i32 {
        self.length() * self.width()

Visibility/Access modifiers

Java has a number of accessibility or visibility modifiers:

  • private
  • protected
  • package private
  • public

In Rust, a compilation is built-up of a tree of modules where modules contain and define items like types, traits, enums, constants and functions. Almost everything is private by default. One exception is, for example, associated items in a public trait, which are public by default. This is similar to how members of a Java interface declared without any public modifiers in the source code are public by default. Rust only has the pub modifier to change the visibility with respect to the module tree. There are variations of pub that change the scope of the public visibility:

  • pub(self)
  • pub(super)
  • pub(crate)
  • pub(in PATH)

For more details, see the Visibility and Privacy section of The Rust Reference.

The table below is an approximation of the mapping of Java and Rust modifiers:

private(default)See note 1.
protectedN/ASee note 2.
package privatepub(crate)
  1. There is no keyword to denote private visibility; it's the default in Rust.

  2. Since there are no class-based type hierarchies in Rust, there is no equivalent of protected.


When designing a type in Java, it is the responsiblity of the developer to decide whether the type is mutable or immutable. Java does support an immutable design for "data carriers" with record classes.

In Rust, mutability is expressed on methods through the type of the self parameter as shown in the example below:

struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

impl Point {
    pub fn new(x: f64, y: f64) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }

    // self is not mutable

    pub fn x(&self) -> f64 { self.x }
    pub fn y(&self) -> f64 { self.y }

    // self is mutable

    pub fn set_x(&mut self, val: f64) { self.x = val }
    pub fn set_y(&mut self, val: f64) { self.y = val }